What on-page SEO factors should you prioritize in 2023?

on-page SEO factors should you prioritize

Do you know that there are more than 200 factors that can influence how Google ranks your site? Hence, SEO is like a map that helps your website from getting lost on the internet. 

In the vast online world, on-page SEO acts as a guiding light for your website. It helps your site to be at the top of the Google search results. 

Moreover, improving your website’s SEO is not random. It is a structured process that focuses on special areas to improve. However, not everything is important equally for your website’s success.

So, in this blog, we will explore the online factors that can boost your website’s Google ranking. But first, let’s understand what on-page SEO is and why it matters for your online success.

What is on-page SEO, and why does it matter?

On-page SEO is a practice which involves optimizing the web content with the help of keyword research and internal linking. On-page SEO is important as it has the ability to take your content to the top of Google search results. In simple terms, it guarantees the visibility of your content as well as your brand to the target audience.

Hence, it will fulfil the primary objective of online content publication, which is brand marketing. Now, you have a grasp of what on-page SEO entails. So, let us delve into important SEO components and their best practices in 2023.

Ten Important On-page SEO Factors and Latest On-page SEO Techniques in 2023

Relevant Content

The relevance of the content on your website is very crucial. The content should be helpful and focus on the exact questions that it means to answer. The more accurate the content will be, it will increase the more time that readers spend on your website. Moreover, it will decrease the bounce rate of your website. 

Strong Keyword Research

Strong keyword research is also an important on-page SEO element. Rather than using random keywords, and use keyword research tools like SEMRUSH, Aherfs and UberSuggest to get more specific keywords. 

Keyword Implementation

Sometimes, You may not get satisfactory results even if you did robust keyword research. In such cases, the reason can be a bad implementation of keywords. You should use the keywords in your content in a balanced proportion. 

Overstuffing keywords or using keywords in a minimal amount can lead to the underperformance of your content. Also, you shouldn’t try to forcefully insert keywords in your content, as it will degrade the readability of your content. 

Page Titles

Page titles tell the searcher about the content that is available on the page. It is also known as a title tag. It is important as people look at it as the first reference for what they are finding.

For example, someone searched for the best tool for keyword research in 2023. So Google will find titles like “top 10 best tools for keyword research in 2023” relevant to the search. Moreover, the person will also find it relevant, and it will increase the chances of the person clicking on that page. 


Headers are the elements that help to divide the content into different parts. Headers is also an HTML element and should be optimized with valid keywords. If you keep your heart well optimized, then it will help the whole content to be easily browsable by the search engine. So, the search engine will even suggest your subheader content to the users. 

Meta Description

Meta is another HTML element that complements the title tag of the webpage. It further defines the content that you’ll find on the page. One of the On-page SEO best practices for Writing meta descriptions is to write them under an adequate word count. Typically, meta descriptions are measured in characters, and 120 – 160 characters in length is best for meta description. 

Image Alt Text

Image alt text is also a significant on-page SEO factor for better visibility. If you include images in your blog, webpage, article, and other forms of content that are good to make your content better, you should use optimized alt text for your images. Alt text helps the search engine to know about the context of the image. So, if you use optimized alt text that best defines your image, google will rank your images at the top.

Structured Markup

Structured markup refers to the structure of the source code of the page. It contains all the elements that are present on the page. If you keep the content on the page is well structured in the source code of the page, it will let Google go through your page quickly. 

Page URLs

Page URL or simply URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the address that is linked with a particular page that exists on the internet. Keeping your URL simple is among the on-page SEO best practices that you can follow in 2023. A URL consists of a subdomain, domain, and directory. Also, if you keep all these terms simple and relevant to the client and the company, you will be able to top the Google search results. 

Mobile Optimisation

Today, with the widespread use of smartphones, the internet is more often surfed with these handy devices. Since it’s more convenient to use a smartphone, people prefer surfing the internet through their smartphones. So, it becomes crucial to optimize your web pages for smartphones

Final Words 

In conclusion, these ten Elements are the most essential elements that matter in SEO optimization. From content to HTML Elements, you will have to focus on all these elements to make sure that your website performance remains the best. 
So, by following these latest on-page SEO techniques, you can see a significant change in your website’s SEO optimization.

The Digital Serve

The Digital Serve

The Digital Serve is the perfect way to get your business online. We are a full-service top digital marketing agency, and we can help you create a website that is both appealing and effective.



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